Saturday, August 8, 2009


It has long been believed that drinking different types of tea can accelerate weight loss. Green tea not only has health benefits, but it increases metabolic rate, which burns calories and fat. It is believed to enhance fat oxidization causing fat to be burned more readily.

Teas in general contain antioxidants, but only green tea contains a significant amount of the secret fat loss weapons, catechin polyphenols. These substances help block the movement of glucose sugars in cells thus aiding in weight loss. They work along with other substances in the body to increase fat oxidation, which in turn causes the body to burn fat to produce energy instead of burning carbohydrates.

The epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the type of catechin found in green tea, which has the ability to alter hormone levels in the body. This change in hormone levels has a tendency to suppress the appetite.

It is also widely believed that it affects the levels of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter that is partially responsible for controlling the levels of 'active brown fat tissue,' which is associated with leanness, and low glucose levels, unlike 'white fat tissue' which is the fat that causes obesity in adults.

It has also been reported to help fight cancer because of its antioxidants. It improves digestion, boosts the immune system, improves mental focus, promotes healthy skin and has anti-aging properties. Even if you do not understand all of the science of green tea, to put it plainly, it can help to accelerate fat loss by limiting the storing of 'white fat tissue' and it has many other health benefits.

very good weight loss method

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